SOLUTIONS FORAutomation technology

Simulation and programming

for virtual commissioning


Virtual commissioning through simulation and programming is a powerful technology that helps automation companies optimize their processes, reduce costs and increase efficiency.



 Virtual commissioning

The most efficient way to put systems into operation!

We program your systems partially automatically using your libraries (if available) in a cost-saving manner. We create your system software with all hardware and bus participants (drives, etc.)


Für Ihre Roboter- und SPS-Applikation

Robotics and simulation

We simulate your systems under “real” conditions. PAR:SET writes your robots and PLC programs.

The process flow is created using simulation. We enable smooth integration of robotics and PLC programs.


Optimierung von Prozessen in der Autmatisierung

Processes / automation

We check your processes for feasibility and optimization.

Analysis and statistics of all processes up to the determination of maintenance intervals.

Modeling the processes with physical properties.

Das sind Ihre Vorteile
wenn wir zusammen arbeiten

Einsparungen bei den Projektkosten

Engstellen im Workflow und Fehlplanungen in der Konstruktionsphase werden in unterschiedlichen Szenarien simuliert und erkannt. Die Investitionsrisiken werden drastisch minimiert.

Reducing development time

With virtual commissioning, we test, simulate and validate your programs in robotics and PLC. Valuable time for physical IBN is saved


Increased efficiency

With our holistic approach, you can increase the efficiency of your production processes. We maintain control of your processes and resources

Faster results

Your layouts can be imported in all common formats. You can quickly see the visual results together with us.


Shortzer response time
We simulate your layouts in minutes and hours instead of days and weeks. Results and findings can be quickly exchanged among all project parties..

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